Cake Muar

Cake from d’Kaseh cake
This picture taken at D’Kaseh Cake bakery, located in Tg. Agas, Muar Tangkak. The main reason we were here is because of Ahmad Iqbal.
We bought cheese cakes to encourage him to eat because he loose appetite. He had fever when at school and the class teacher called us to pick him early.
The we went to pusat kesihatan Sg. Mati for Ahmad Iqbal medical check up. He was granted with mc leave for the school excuse.
Luckily, he managed to eat the cake and we really pleased he is getting better afterwards.
Ahmad Iqbal and Ammar Zakwan so happy with the strawberry cheese cake and wish that the would come again to the bakery.
If you are looking for quality cake Muar, you should try here.